The dragon strike is a wonder weapon that appears in the call of duty: black ops iii zombies map gorod krovi. the weapon works similarly to the g-strike as it can be used to mark a certain location for the dragons to fire at, whilst luring the zombies into the location of attack.. List of wonder weapons you can use in black ops 2 zombies tranzit and survival. blacks ops 2 zombies wonder weapons guide. by ali asif november 16, 2012 march 15, 2017 share. share.. Find out which cod blops 2 zombies wonder weapon suits you best. this includes the staffs in origins now! what call of duty black ops 2 zombies wonder weapon are you? puckomodo. 1. 6. how do you prefer to get the wonder weapon? the mystery box because i can get a lot of points to open it and building takes way to much time!.
Black ops 2 zombies, can everyone have a wonder weapon? or just one? i know that all 4 players can get the ray gun wonder weapon in any zombie gamemode from the mystery box.. It is the thirteenth wonder weapon; the first exclusive to call of duty: black ops ii . it is a buildable wonder weapon and is also exclusive to the map tranzit. it seems to act as the opposite of the thundergun, rather than blowing them away, it sucks in zombies, gibbing them in its rotors. it can also be used to hover in midair briefly.. The name wunderwaffe dg-2 in english means wonder weapon the bell 2, dg standing for "die glocke" which is "the bell" in english. monkey bomb the monkey bomb is an secondary tactical grenade weapon which can be acquired in der riese, and the call of duty: black ops maps kino der toten, "five" and shangri-la..
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